Hi. My name is Dixie...I'm the chick that is gonna get this blog done.
Gracie hasn't been doing that great of a job. Miss Lisa lets her blog and stuff, but she just wants to play games on her computer and talk to other dolls on Facebook... since I'm a brownie, and like to help, well, guess it's up to me to get this blog straight...
Living here with the other dolls in the one sixth scale dollhouse isn't all that fun- they are divas, and treat me like a little girl! I'm almost a hundred! So I told Miss Lisa she would have to finish a house for me... & Maizie. Maizie is my sidekick, she isn't doing so well. She's a little blind right now because she needs eyes......now that I have a laptop, I might order them myself. What's a Dixie chick without a sidekick?? Hey, that rhymes....
This here is my bear, who I never leave home without- Mr. Ted is his name. Mr. Ted lets me know what is going down in the pumpkin patch- especially with those party 1:6 scale divas- that is one rowdy dollhouse!
Dixie: How is it going in the Patch, Mr. Ted
Mr. Ted (squeaky voice) AOK Dixie. Some more of those diva dolls arrived, related to Barbie.
Dixie: Hmph....another one!
Mr Ted: but this one is nice- and she was never reproduced! And she comes with neat stuff!
Dixie- hmm, what kind of stuff?
Mr Ted : well she has something they called it a recorder player, record player- those antique things they listed to the cd's on before cd's were made.
Dixie- Mr Ted, that doesn't make sense. Ok, so she's one of those dolls that's been made again, right?
Mr Ted- RIGHT!
mR. Ted: well Dixie, I guess you better get bloggin. Lotsa news in the Pumpkin Patch. Are you going to Mass tomorrow with Miss Lisa & Mr. Chris?
Dixie : you know I do- I go EVERYWHERE with her. And Mr. Chris too. Didn't you see the pictures of us at Martins?
Mr. Ted: No, you didn't take me then. And I could have found some neat stuff in Miss Lisa's purse for you, she has so much stuff in that purse!
Dixie: I know, but we'll get that straight. She got me this new dress and shoes- you like?
Mr. Ted: Pink is your color. Maizie looks great in red and yellow.
Dixie: hmph. That was MY dress, Mr. Ted.
So I begin to record all of the happenings of the past few days on this mini laptop from one of hte diva dolls...
Living in the Pumpkin Patch has been lots of fun...never boring in a house full of dolls and dollhouses, and then we come to work to the dollhouse shop !
Well, I have alot more to write and blog..and uploading pics on this cheap plastic diva laptop isn't fun. I have to order Maizie's eyes, or will have to swipe a seeing eye dog for a Brownie! and Miss Lisa is saying it's almost closing time, so time to clean up and close up for the day...
Signing off- DIXIE