Felix Brownies have arrived! In February, I had ordered a Calix brownie full set from Ajumapama USA with the free head event. I had always wanted a tiny, to put into my dollhouses, and use with my Rement. This makes the obsession worse, with a free head, which also prompted me to buy a body for the head, so I would have TWO brownies instead of one...They came in the most adorable blue striped box with blue ribbons, and I even got an extra little dress as well!
Calix is adorable, I had ordered an extra wig but forgot to get Mae some eyes. Gracie needs a new wig so probably will be ordering both soon. I stripped one of my Kellies for her shoes and dress, the dress is off of a McDonald's Kelly that I got on Ebay, the shoes fit the Brownies perfectly. I haven't yet decided on Calix's new name, as she has got plenty of 'Tude and lets me know I'm her new buddy...so i think she will be dragged around in my purse ....alot! Enjoy the pics. ~Lisa